National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2001)

National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) are the principal instruments for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the national level. The CBD requires countries to prepare a national biodiversity strategy and to ensure that this strategy is mainstreamed into the planning and activities of all those sectors whose activities can have an impact (positive and negative) on biodiversity.

Trinidad and Tobago's NBSAP, passed by Cabinet in 2001, addresses the issues affecting biodiversity locally in the context of sustainable use and conservation. It also calls for the implementation of the necessary legal framework in order to protect the country’s natural resources, recognizing the need for capacity building, research, conservation, wise-use of resources, education and public awareness.


Priority actions identified in the NBSAP related to protected areas include:

  1. Development and update legislation for conservation of protected areas, landscapes and species, consistent with current international trends
  2. Build on existing law enforcement initiatives for protection of species and ecosystems
  3. Conduct regular programs to sensitize the Magistracy, Police and Coast Guard, to the long-term effects of detrimental activities on biodiversity
  4. Expedite establishment of the Environmental Court or Commission to address biodiversity and environmental crimes

» Click here to view T&T's NBSAP on CBD's website

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