Primary Legislation

Conservation of Wildlife Act
The Conservation of Wildlife Act replaces earlier legislation for the protection of “wild bird” and “ground game”. This Act enables the protection and conservation of fauna (mammals, birds and reptiles) through the regulation of hunting by a system of permits, closed seasons and game sanctuaries. The Act prescribes a closed hunting season which outlaws the taking, sale, purchase and possession of wild meat during this season.

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Environmental Management Act
The Environmental Management Act provides for a co-ordinated approach to environmental management through a national environmental policy, environmental programmes, public awareness and development of subsidiary legislation for environmentally sensitive species and areas; pollution and hazardous substances; air and noise pollution; wastes; hazardous substances and spills; and assessment of environmental impacts through a certificate of environmental clearance. The Act also provides for the establishment of the Environmental Management Authority, Environmental Trust Fund and Environmental Commission.

The Act also provides for the designation of a defined portion of the environment within Trinidad and Tobago as an Environmentally Sensitive Area and certain species as Environmentally Sensitive Species for the purposes of conservation and protection.

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Fisheries Act
The Fisheries Act is the primary legislation governing fisheries in Trinidad and Tobago prescribing jurisdiction over all rivers and the territorial sea. Its regulations specify the size and dimensions of nets or similar implements, determine the size of various catch, prohibits the sale of undersized catch, and prohibits fishing in certain areas.

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Forests Act
The Forests Act enables the designation of Forest Reserves and Prohibited Areas, and provides for the regulation of the exploitation of timber and non-wood forest products from state lands. It controls logging and sale of forest produce through the issuance of a Conservator’s licence and a removal permit.

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