A Collaborating Network of Partners Facilitating Scientific and Technical Cooperation
Biological diversity
Biodiversity is the variety of living organisms considered at all levels of classification including the genetic, species, and higher taxonomic levels, and the variety of habitats and ecosystems, as well as the processes occurring therein. Biodiversity is not simply recognized as plants, animals and micro organisms and their ecosystems – it encompasses people and our need for food security, medicines, fresh air and water, shelter and a clean and healthy environment.
Trinidad and Tobago's Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism (CHM)
The Trinidad and Tobago CHM is an information mechanism geared towards bringing together the seekers and providers of goods, services or information that is relevant to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). More specifically, the CHM aims to promote and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation on biodiversity within Trinidad and Tobago, as well as with the international community. In so doing, the human and technological network necessary for the implementation process would be enhanced.
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
The CBD is an international treaty dedicated to sustain the rich diversity of life on Earth. At the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, 150 world government leaders signed, pledging their commitment to the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of genetic resources. The CBD seeks to accomplish this by promoting appropriate access to genetic resources and transfer of relevant technologies, taking into account all rights over those resources and technologies.
A network of international parties and partners have been working together to facilitate the worldwide implementation of CBD, which led to the creation of the CHM as a communication mechanism to translate the goal of partnerships and cooperation into action. It also facilitates access to and exchange of information on biodiversity around the world.
Created in accordance with Article 18 of the CBD, the CHM is key to archiving the Convention's three principal objectives:
- Conservation of biological diversity
- Sustainable use of its components
- Fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of genetic resources
In October 2010, the Conference of the Parties (main decision-making body) adopted a revised and updated Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, for the 2011-2020 period. This new plan will be the overarching framework on biodiversity, not only for the biodiversity-related conventions, but for the entire United Nations system.
Trinidad and Tobago, as a party to the Convention since 1996, hopes that the CHM platform will provide international, regional and national communities with easier access to knowledge about issues relating to our country’s biological resources.
Key Convention links: